Texas Conservative Lobbyist News: Texas State Agencies Interim Hearings The following information is public in nature and available at various state of Texas websites. The Texas Lobby group makes this information available on our websites as a public service for all Texas lobbyists, Texas politicians and political activists, government consultants, and other interested parties. Texas Health […]
Texas Conservative Lobbyist News: Texas State Agencies and Interim Hearings 2012
Texas State Agencies and Interim Hearings 2012 The following is public information, available on the official state of Texas government websites. The Texas Lobby Group makes this information available for all Texas lobbyists and lobbying groups, government consultants, political action groups, and all interested parties. Colorado County Central Appraisal District July 10, 2012 – 01:00 […]
Best States for Business – Texas Number One
Best States for Business. Texas Ranks #1. The Texas Lobby Group has published a story, originally from CNBC.com, that lists the state of Texas as the Best State for businesses in the United States. Since this yearly study began in 2007, Texas has never ranked lower than #2. The article quotes Rick Perry from the […]
Texas State Agencies and Interim Hearings 2012
Texas Conservative Lobbyist News: Texas State Agencies and Interim Hearings 2012 The following information is of a public nature and is available on the Texas Government websites. The Texas Lobby Group posts this information on our websites as a public service for all Texas Lobbyists, Government Consultants, Politicians and Political Activists, and all other interested political […]
Current Political News in Texas
Current Political News in Texas The following news items were published last week at the Texas Lobby Group website. Texas Department of Health and Human Services Statement on Affordable Health Care Act Ruling AUSTIN – Texas Health and Human Services Executive Commissioner Tom Suehs released the following statement after today’s Supreme Court ruling on the […]