Texas Conservative Lobbyist Update: Major House Rule Changes for the 83rd Legislative Session
The following is a reprint of a list compiled at the Texas Advocacy website. The Texas Lobby Group is reposting a summary of this list as a public service for other state lobbyists, politicians, government consultants, and other interested parties.
Substantive Changes to How You Do Your Business
1. Stopping bills with a point of order – Ability to stop a bill with a point of order is reduced with reinstatement of substantial compliance rule. (Rule 1, Section 9(d))
2. Drafting bills – Captions for house bills relating to a tax, assessment, fee, or surcharge must contain specific language relating to the effect of the bill. (Rule 8, Section 1(b))
3. Drafting amendments – Floor amendments should include page and line numbers. (Rule 11, Section 6(j))
4. Which committees you have to deal with –
a. New Committee on Special Purpose Districts – County Affairs keeps hospital and emergency service district bills, and Natural Resources keeps all groundwater conservation district bills and bills amending existing districts dealing with water and water supply. Bills creating any other special purpose district, including a MUD, go to the new committee. (Rule 3, Sections 27 and 33)
b. Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services is split into 2 committees. (Rule 3, Sections 22 and 28)
5. Signing up to testify on a bill – electronic witness affirmation forms will be allowed via iPads installed near committee hearing rooms. (Rule 4, Section 20)
Changes to Increase Access to Information and Participation in Process
6. Internet access to pre-filed amendments – House will provide public Internet access 10 hours in advance to certain pre-filed amendments (multi-page substitutes, amendments to sunset bills, and amendments to general appropriations bill). (Rule 11, Section 6(i)(3))
7. Written rulings on points of order – Parliamentarian will provide written rulings to all members within 24 hours of announcement of ruling. (Rule 14, Section 8)
8. More information on fiscal notes:
a. Fiscal note must indicate on first page if there are fiscal implications in any year, not just the first 5 years. (Rule 4, Section 33(f))
b. Fiscal note must provide estimated range of fiscal implications, if implications cannot be determined. (Rule 4, Section 33(c))
9. Potential for posting of proposed committee substitutes, amendments, and written testimony on the Internet – Committee Coordinator may establish procedures. (Rule 4, Section 18A)
10. Potential for submission of online video testimony – Committee Coordinator shall investigate the feasibility and may establish procedures. (Rule 4, Section 20A)
Read the originally story here.